Jan 24, 2018

How autism freed me to be myself | Rosie King - A Ted Ed Lesson

This is one of the Ted Ed Lessons based on Ted Talks that I have been trying to put together. It is not final yet, but to know if it works, it needs trying out... I share it as an example of what I hope to be sharing with pupils (They will not "do" the work during the online lesson, but they may want to do it later. I hope to showi one way kids can work on their English on their own and, if teachers want to, in class). "Lemida Becherum" is a "Targil". which means we will be practicing the delivery of online lessons (and content). It's worth giving it a try (and learning from mistakes). Please do let me know if you eventually use this lesson and find, as you probably will, what to improve). Best wishes!

Link to the Ted Ed lesson

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