Sep 28, 2022

Enhance K-12 English Foreign Language Skills with Moodle


This post (like a Smore Newsletter I will share) aims at giving teachers of English as Foreign Language confidence in their Moodle abilities. I hope it can whet their appetite for Moodle. No less important, I hope my colleagues can be helped to help their pupils use Moodle. Using Moodle can be done effectively as part and parcel of our teaching strategies.

Read moreat

Sep 26, 2022


I wish I could attend the Moodle Moot Global 2022 in Barcelona, but I can't. That is life. I hope Moodle shares something on its YouTube channel and elsewhere. There is always something interesting to learn about Moodle.


Sep 22, 2022

Enhance English Skills with Moodle


This Smore Newsletter is aimed at giving teachers of English confidence in their Moodle abilities

Link to the Smore Newsletter

Aug 27, 2022

Dig into Digita helpl: Focus on Moodle Resources and Moodle Activities - Smore Newsletter #8

 Link to the newsletter

The focus of this week's "Teach with Moodle Templates" Smore newsletter is on the use of "Moodle Resources" and "Moodle Activities" in the different Dig into Digita Moodle Templates (courses).

This newsletter complements the Dig into Digital: Focus on H5P newsletter

Aug 21, 2022

Welcome to the Dig into Digital Let's Talk course

Israel's Ministry of Education Dig into Digital Moodle courses through the Engish inspectorate provide teachers and students with ready made content and tasks that facilitate independent learning.

The courses include automated instant feedback as well as sections that enable teachers to give their feedback.

The Dig into Digital Let's Talk program, for example, provides ample opportunities that encourage pupils to work on their oral proficiency.

Through acquisition of relevant vocabulary and modeling of proper pronunciation, students are exposed to a variety of topics that will be useful in their own lives.

Let's Talk encourages pupils to practice, practice, and practice some more.

Moreover, Let'sTalk helps pupils stay calm and speak confidently, working at their own pace. The message to our students is: YOU CAN DO IT

Aug 13, 2022

H5P in Dig into Digital Courses

We, teachers of English as a Foreign Language in K-12 in Israel, face many challenges when introducing our pupils to the Dig into Digital Moodle courses. One way of smoothing our path towards an enjoyable use of these courses is by understanding the digital tools used in them. One of these tools is H5P (H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package).
The focus of this week's "Teach with Moodle Templates"  Smore newsletter is on the use of H5P activities in the different courses. I have picked several examples. Please note that you will not see examples from all the courses simply because the ones that appear cover most H5P use in any Dig into Digital Moodle course.
I hope my colleagues are engaged when they understand the digital aspects of the Moodle courses better. I also hope I manage to whet your appetite for the Dig into Digital courses.
Happy Moodling!

Jul 27, 2022

Moodle at the service of K-12 teachers and pupils


This is my latest post on ElearningWorld. This reaches a wide audience of "Moodlers" worldwide.

Colleagues have done (and will be doing) something that is unique indeed.

Link to the post

Jul 5, 2022

Moodle en el marco del Dpto de Inglés - Ministerio de Educación de Israel

 By means of this video (in Spanish), I hope to give Spanish speaking colleagues an idea of how we are trying to boost the use of Moodle in K-12 in Israel. Perhaps colleagues will find the video useful when they encourage others in the use of Moodle at any level.

Por medio de este video (en español), espero darles a los colegas de habla hispana una idea de cómo estamos tratando de impulsar el uso de Moodle en K-12 en Israel. Quizás  colegas encuentren útil el video cuando alienten a otros en el uso de Moodle en cualquier nivel.

Jun 27, 2022

ElearningWorld: Using Moodle to Improve Teaching and Learning


It’s summertime in Israel. The school year is over. Having published here quite a lot about what has happened with the use of Moodle in K-12 in the Israeli school system in general, and in my work at school in particular, it would be repetitive to recapitulate the main points I have made. I’d rather look ahead.

Jun 21, 2022

Teach with MOE Moodle Templates - Updated weekly


Teach with MOE Moodle Templates - A newsletter that is updated weekly. Tips, suggestions, and more.
The MOE English Department has some great stuff on Moodle ready for you and your pupils.

Teach with MOE Moodle Templates - Uodates 2 and 3


Teachers can edit their MOE Moodle courses

Jun 8, 2022

Teach with MOE Moodle Templates. June 8th, 2022- Update #1

Published on the English Teachers Community Facebook group


You may have tried the English Department, Ministry of Education Moodle Courses (Templates), and learned that they offer a lot. However, there is more than meets the eye. I will be sharing some tips that, perhaps, will make you see more benefits to using Moodle to improve teaching and learning. Here is the first one. I hope it helps.

Happy Moodling!"

See more

Significant Learning Experiences in Moodle

 By Lauren Foss Goodman, Learning Designer and Heather Robinson, Learning Design Team Lead – Moodle US

What is Significant Learning?

Every learning experience is different – subject matter, modality, the learners, the teachers or facilitators, and the environment. As Learning Designers, we work with clients to design experiences in Moodle that account for these differences while sharing one fundamental goal: we want our learners to learn as a result of... See more

Dig into Digitaland Moodle: Summing up

 My latest posts on ElearningWorld have attempted to give a glimpse into how The English Inspectorate, Israel Ministry of Education has customized and tailored Moodle courses to meet the needs of Israel’s pupils (and teachers!) in the public, free State- School system. I am a teacher “in the field” (I have been teaching teenagers in the same High School for 33 years now), so the glimpse you get is from a teacher’s perspective. See more

Apr 30, 2022

Practical Problem Based Learning (PPBL) with Moodle


My latest post on ElearningWorld

There are many reasons why teachers of English as a Foreign Language should use different teaching methods so as to engage, motivate, teach and reach the students in their classes, whether face to face or online. Being a Moodle enthusiast, I know that there are many reasons why using Moodle lets teachers save considerable time and effort to focus more on communicative tasks. Moodle supports language learning, and how students can improve Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing (The four language skills). To be sure, it helps teachers provide different activities so that pupils learn a lot of vocabulary, too.

It should not come as a surprise that one of the teaching and learning methods The English Inspectorate at The Israel Ministry of Education is promoting is Practical Problem Based Learning (PPBL). Using Moodle both to train teachers in the methodology, and as a Moodle Template for teachers to use with their students is the chosen venue.

Read more

Mar 28, 2022

Dig into Digital: Empowering Teachers

 This is my latest post on

Dig into Digital: Empowering Teachers  

You have heard about "Dig into Digital: Israel Ministry of Education Moodle Templates",  which is The English Inspectorate and The Ministry of Education Technology Division fascinating national project.aimed at pupils. How can the path of thousands of teachers in Israel’s K-12 system towards an enjoyable use of Moodle be smoothed? How can teachers be given confidence in their Moodle abilities? How can their appetite for Moodle be whetted? How can colleagues be helped to help their pupils use Moodle? These are some of the challenges faced when introducing thousands of teachers to using Moodle effectively as part and parcel of their teaching strategies. Learn  about this and more 

Feb 1, 2022

Profundice en lo digital: plantillas de Moodle del Ministerio de Educación de Israel

 Profundice en lo digital: plantillas de Moodle del Ministerio de Educación de Israel

 28 de enero de 2022 Eduardo Lina PUBLICADO EN iNGLÉS en ElearningWorld.

El Departamento de Inglés del Ministerio de Educación ha desarrollado cursos en inglés que permiten el aprendizaje digital junto con el aprendizaje en el aula. Estos cursos están estructurados de acuerdo con el plan de estudios y permiten que tanto profesores como alumnos accedan a contenidos excelentes y listos para usar desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento y al ritmo adecuado. Cuando un profesor solicita una copia (o copias) de los cursos (Plantillas), sus alumnos están inscritos en el curso y pueden progresar siguiendo la guía de su profesor o, mejor aún, de forma independiente. En resumen, los profesores pueden abrir un curso para su clase y seguir el proceso de aprendizaje y práctica.

El Departamento de Inglés del Ministerio de Educación ha elegido a Moodle como la plataformavirtual  adecuada para estos cursos. Esto no debería ser una sorpresa: Moodle es el mejor sistema de gestión de aprendizaje del mundo porque es fácil de usar, altamente configurable (flexible) y rico en funciones (más información). El Ministerio de Educación cuenta con sus propias Plataformas Moodle, las cuales los docentes conocemos porque Moodle es el Ambiente de Aprendizaje que se utiliza en todos los talleres de Desarrollo Profesional Docente, Universidades y Colegios.


¡La buena noticia es que nosotros, los profesores, ahora podemos obtener tantas plataformas Moodle como necesitemos, y de forma gratuita, para usar con nuestros alumnos! Por un lado, podemos crear nuestros cursos y subir nuestro contenido. Por otro lado, podemos beneficiarnos del excelente trabajo de los colegas que han creado contenido excelente en cada curso para usarlo en su totalidad o en fragmentos (como mejor nos parezca).


La mayoría de los profesores están familiarizados con Moodle como aprendices, pero pocos conocen Moodle como profesores. Con el papel de profesores en Moodle, podemos personalizar nuestros cursos de la manera que mejor se adapte a nuestra audiencia (nuestros alumnos). El Departamento de Inglés del Ministerio de Educación ha desarrollado plantillas para laeducación primaria y secundaria que podemos usar "tal cual" (en otras palabras, tal como es cada curso, sin ningún cambio), o personalizadas (es decir, podemos hacer los cambios que consideremos). necesario, e incluso ocultar secciones a nuestros alumno).


¡Hay mucho que los profesores de inglés podemos hacer con Moodle con el papel de profesores!


Moodle fue diseñado para brindar la máxima flexibilidad, una caja de herramientas que se adapta a la enseñanza sincrónica y asincrónica para capacitar a educadores y para que construyan un  plataforma virtual educativa que sea apropiada para sus alumnos”.


Independientemente del nivel que enseñemos, podemos ayudarnos a nosotros mismos (y a nuestros alumnos) usando lo que maestros expertos (¡nuestros colegas aquí en Israel!) han creado para nosotros. También podemos ayudar a nuestros alumnos a convertirse en aprendices independientes. ¿Por qué no darle una oportunidad?


Se anima a los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera (primaria y secundaria) a consultar los tutoriales que ya se han preparado (pronto habrá más disponibles). Próximamente también habrá seminarios web y talleres de desarrollo profesional.


Usando Moodle con el rol de maestro, hay un mundo de riqueza esperando que los maestros elijan.

Jan 5, 2022

Introduction to Moodlenet Badge

 It is always a pleasure to get another badge from The Moodle Academy!