Dec 30, 2021

Dig into Digital: Ministry of Education Moodle Templates with superb, ready-made content for teachers of English to use!

The Ministry of Education - English Department has developed courses in English that enable digital learning alongside classroom learning. These courses are structured according to the curriculum and allow both teachers and pupils to access excellent, ready-made content from anywhere, at any time and at the appropriate pace. When a teacher requests a copy (or copies) of the courses (Templates) his/her students are enrolled in the course and can progress either following their teacher’s guidance or, better yet,  independently. In short, teachers can open a course for their class and follow the learning and practice process.

Moodle Templates: Teacher Tutorials

The Ministry of Education - English Department has chosen Moodle as the right venue for these courses. This should not come as a surprise: Moodle is the world’s best Learning Management System because it is user-friendly, highly-configurable (flexible), and feature-rich (learn more) . The Ministry of Education has its own Moodle Platforms, which we, teachers, are familiar with because Moodle is the Learning Environment used in all Professional Development workshops, Universities, and Colleges.

The good news is that we, teachers, can now get as many Moodle Platforms as we need, and free of charge, to use with our pupils!  On the one hand, we can create our courses and upload our content. On the other hand, we can benefit from the excellent work of colleagues who have created superb content on each course for use either to the full extent, or in chunks (as we see fit).

Most teachers are familiar with Moodle as learners, yet few know Moodle as teachers. With the role of teachers on Moodle, we can customize our courses in ways that are best suited to our audience (our pupils). The Ministry of Education - English Department has developed Templates for K-12 which we can use “As Is” (in other words, just as each course is -  without any changes), or customized (that is, we can make changes we consider necessary, and even hide sections from our pupils).

There is a lot we teachers of English can do with Moodle with the role of teachers!

Moodle was designed for ultimate flexibility, a toolbox that accommodates both synchronous and asynchronous delivery to empower educators and trainers to build their own education platform that is appropriate to their learners”. Learn more

Regardless of the level we teach, we can help ourselves (and our pupils) with using what expert teachers (our colleagues here in Israel!) have created for us. We can also help our pupils become independent learners. Why not give that a try?

Google למידה דיגיטלית בבית הספר, access your area (You have one if you are a teacher working in the framework of the israel School System!), click on the relevant button (Elementary School or Junior High / High School), and see for yourself! Using Moodle with the role of teacher, there is a world of wealth waiting for you to pick. 


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