Sep 30, 2017

School and Technology, an indivisible binomial - A Hangout

This virtual conference, which is part of the MOOC, is very good.
This is yet another great coutse provided in the framework  of Educalab / INTEF. I have enjoyed all the ones I have taken part im (and there have been many).

I enjoy taking courses with Spanish colleagues. Indeed,  I love Spain (I do).

Linda Castañeda of the University of Murcia and Fernando Trujillo of the University of Granada will give us a global view of the #DigCompOrg Framework and explain the interrelationship between the different elements that compose it.

Linda Castañeda, de la Universidad de Murcia, y Fernando Trujillo, de la Universidad de Granada nos ofrecerán una visión global del Marco #DigCompOrg y explicarán la interrelación entre los distintos elementos que lo componen (en inglés)

  • Technology as a traversal element

  • Leadership as the first element to take into account

Fernando Trujillo (47:24): "Leadership and governance  / practices are the key to start making a school a Digitally Competent Educational Organization. They can provoke the awareness of starting to make the wheel go round...Technology, organization and education can go together".

Linda Castañeda  (48:24): Leadership is a cornerstone. Also, Ooganize wherever we have. Collaboration is important, too. Collaborating and creating a sense of collaboration and networking are important. Leadership is important, but without collaboration and networking it is difficult to implement a strategy.

Marco Europeo para Organizaciones Educativas Digitalmente Competentes #DigCompOrg | Blog de INTEF

Well, I am taking action at Kugel trying to make other teachers bring about change (Trulillo favors that)

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