Monday, June 09 2014|7:00 PM (Jerusalem Standard Time)
Description of the content of the session
The session opened with background information concerning the lecturer, and Burundi, ICT challenges in Africa in general, and in Burundi in particular. There is no doubt that using ICT in education is in itself a major step towards both improving the teaching and learning process and opening up possibilities for progress for people in Africa.
Moodle was the Learning System that may bring about This positive change, so training Moodle trainers is seen as one important step in the right direction.
The presenter introduced us to different programs and partnerships that are part of this effort / process. Academic staff who were the beneficiaries of the program / project were the ones who were expected to use the knowledge and skills they acquired to train other people and turn them into Moodle trainers.
Those training future trainers had to face all sorts of shortcomings so as to achieve their goal. These included insufficient computer equipment, poor internet connection, future trainers’ inadequate / insufficient prior ICT knowledge and skills, lack of job opportunities for future trainers, and the like. These shortcoming might seem enough to make a person quit, but that was not the point with the lecturer. His determination to carry out his job merits admiration.
My thoughts on the topic
I admire both the lecturer and his student trainers for their determination to master Moodle as a means to improve the teaching / learning process in their part of Africa. They seem to have the motivation and push to achieve their goal.
What I am going to do as a result of what I have heard.
Take part in Nellie’s effort (MOOCs) to help spread ICT use in education. I have given a couple of sessions related to Moodle in education on Wiziq. I hope to do so again when needed. I may share my experience teaching Moodle to teachers in Israel.
Creation of an artifact (video tutorial using Movenote or screencast-o-matic)
My reflection on the presentation
I have certainly enjoyed watching this recorded session. I have been given the chance to get a glimpse into the Moodle - related work of a colleague in Africa. The challenges faced in Africa are quite different from those i face in israel, but learning about them helps me gain perspective.
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