Dec 22, 2015
A glimpse into my virtual class of December 22 2015
Dec 20, 2015
SEETA: Moodle Training for Volunteers - Virtual Class 20.12.2015
Link to the Google Slides Presentation
Dec 19, 2015
Dec 16, 2015
Volunteering with SEETA
Dec 5, 2015
Como crear un simple libro digital usando Flipsnack
Taller sobre la creación y uso de Libros Digitales - Pisga Holon 2015 - 2016
Dec 4, 2015
Dec 2, 2015
English Workshop December 2015 Pisga Holon
Our focus is both on Digital Tools and the ADDED VALUE Digital Tools and APPS provide us with for our work as teachers. Accordingly, teacher participants do not talk about Digital Skill; instead, they learn to use them, and improve by doing work with them. Undoubtedly, teachers will eventually also LEARN BY TEACHING.
Nov 22, 2015
Así se muestra un poco de la música de los países de habla hispana
I am teaching my Spanish Foreign Language pupils anything and everything that has to do with Spanish Speaking countries. here is how I introduce them to a bit of the music of Spanish speaking countries. They also learn a bit of geography, too. And WORDS, WORDS, WORDS...
Nov 19, 2015
Nov 13, 2015
Moodle Glossary and Games
1. Create a Glossary (a Moodle resource) with the words you want pupils to review.
2. Create at least three different games based on that Glossary.
3. "Play" the game with the class (use a projector).
4. Tell kids to review vocabulary playing the games at home (hopefully they might do it).
You see, you do not need to "hunt" for many tools to do all this
Nov 6, 2015
Digital Tools Workshop at Pisga Holon
Nov 5, 2015
Nov 2, 2015
Moodle Mooc 7 Nov. 1 + 2 Wiziq sessions
I enjoyed Curt Bonks session of November 1 (MM7: MOOCs and Open Education: Recent News and Research Clues - Link) , but was overwhelmed by the information he provided all along. There is much research going on on the impact Moocs have. As I see it, Moocs do serve the purpose of making it possible for people to learn in new ways, and, even more so, have access to learning opportunities that would not exist otherwise. However, I still doubt whether you can assess what people have learned doing so only online.
I liked that idea of having people who take a given Mooc meet at acafe (that is to say, meet F2F and not just virtually). Nanomoocs as a way to help people lean specific content is a good (new) development, too. And yet, I still doubt whether they can replace altogether more traditional mosed (and venues) of learning. Blending can be one way of addressing that problem.
There is no doubt about one thing, however: Curt is a great speaker!

I have just watched Anita Adnan's session ("
- MM7: How to Work from Anywhere with Anita Adnan"
I mean the recording - link). This is not the first time Anita speaks on one of these Moocs. As usual, she is a good example of what she advocates: Multitasking.
Thanks for sharing your work, Anita! Kudos!
Nov 1, 2015
Oct 30, 2015
Moodle Mooc 7 is on!
I think the following clip expresses what Moodle means better than a well phrased definition (and I am not making fun of those, of course
Oct 29, 2015
Oct 28, 2015
Oct 14, 2015
Oct 13, 2015
Taller (Pisga Holon + encuenros virtuales) - fechas תאריכים ותכנים
3 encuentros en una clase virtua (las fechas están marcadas en amarillo)l, 4 por medio de la plataforma Moodle (fechas marcadas en anaranjado) y 2 presenciales (las fechas de estos están marcadas en verde)
אולי השתלמות בנושא מוודל - עדכון
Oct 6, 2015
Oct 5, 2015
Oct 3, 2015
Sep 30, 2015
Sep 27, 2015
Sep 25, 2015
Maybe, Quizás, אולי
There is apossibility that one of the projects I have long wanted to carry out will turn into a reality. As could not be otherwise, it has to do with Moodle, Google (a lot) and other tools, all of which are a means to an end: Teach and learn English . It's partly up to me, and partly to the acceptance my proposal may get. We'll see...
Sep 9, 2015
Aug 24, 2015
Aug 20, 2015
Aug 19, 2015
Aug 9, 2015
Aug 4, 2015
Jul 28, 2015
An outcome of the Google Academy for Teachers
This video is part of the course I hope to be giving. Since I mean to teach the use of Google Tour Builder, I have created an example of a very simple tour. Needless to say, pupils will be much more creative (I hope!)
Jul 25, 2015
Jul 15, 2015
Jul 13, 2015
A Positive Disruptor: Israel's Google Academy, July 2015
Jul 12, 2015
Google Academy July 2015
Jul 11, 2015
ETAI Summer Conference - What I tried to do, and what I hope to do
The Way We Learn: Moodle for Teachers with Pisga Holon
Link to the Google Document
The Road Taken: Moodle for Special Education Pupils
Link to the Google Document
I must admit that the idea I will put forward has been in my mind for some time, but I guess it is worth trying to create the movement that may turn it into a reality. Here it is, then, in two separate posts. The first one has to do with Moodle, as could not be otherwise (coming from me, at least, I guess). At the ETAI Conference this summer I have met many teachers who teach at schools that use Mashov, and so have access to a Moodle platform. Most do not know how to make Moodle work for them to the benefit of their pupils and schools. Those who know where they can learn to use the platform (either on a paid course that may cost, I have heard, some NIS 600, or on their own on the Net) do not find that to be a solution. Equally important, being EFL teachers, it would be better to invest time and effort learning to use Moodle to cater to their specific needs. I know Matach, LNET and the like do a great job teaching technology, and yet something is missing that does not meet the needs of many fellow English teachers. Accordingly, I believe we should have at least one "hishtalmut" FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE on (yes) a Pisga Moodle platform TO WHICH ANY TEACHER OF English who works in the framework of the Ministry of Education, and / or has a user and password provided by the Ministry can gain access. This "hishtalmut" would cost what any "hishatlmut" usually costs (NIS 30 I guess), and those who carry out the tasks that have to be carried out would earn a GMUL. No less important, as with any "hishtalmut", the Ministry of Education would check that MOE standards are kept. In other words, given the fact that there is a call in the field to learn "Moodle for English teachers", and that both teachers and their pupils would benefit from learning to use this "technology", we could get such a course going in the framework of the Ministry of Education using the Moodle platform of one Pisga Center (I say, Holon's because I work there, and because there is an open minded approach at that Center that may smooth the entire process). The "hishtalmut" would be entirely online (which means no face to face meetings and no need to go somewhere to study). There would be meetings using a virtual classroom, such as "Webex" (these meetings are called Webinars), and learning on the Moodle platform. We could learn to use all that Moodle has to offer us, share what each learns to do, and come out with lots of practical stuff that we could use at school right away. To do so, participants would learn to use other (selected) "technology" tools / apps, (Google apps and the like) that can be used with pupils. We could touch on stuff such as "The Flipped Classroom" and more.
To make a long story short, I say this: (1) the technical means (a Pisga Moodle platform, preferably Holon's, and a virtual classroom) are available at no cost for the Ministry of Education; (2) a "facilitator" / "tutor" for the course who is an English teacher and so no foreign to the needs of us, EFL teachers, is available (and willing) to take up this project; (3) teachers willing to take the "hishtalmut" must say so here so that we can show (and know) that there is a call from "the field" to learn this stuff; and (4) we have the power to create a movement, but we must exercise it. In the meantime, I am the "lone nut" on this You Tube clip that Google people have shared with me before the coming Google Educator Academy Course I will be taking part in. If no-one joins me, I will remain "the odd-one-out", but if you do, then we are a crowd. Do we get all those involved to put this together? It’s partly up to you.
Link to the post on Facebook
Here's the second of my two posts on the subject of an "Hishtalmut" that caters to the needs of English teachers: I suggest having one on using tools / apps for the "added value" these may have for our English classroom. I have in mind Google tools / apps as well as many others. It would not be technology for the sake of technology, but would certainly help many teachers who find using technology scary / a problem / etc. overcome that feeling. I know Matach, The British Council, LNET and the like do a great job teaching technology. I would not be competing with them at all. As for the "how", well, just see what I have written for the "other" hishtalmut (pay attention to the four points I have made at the end of my previous post). BTW, if this turns into a reality, ETAI would "sponsor" the hishtalmut (or hishtalmuiot) in that I would make it a point to state that this is an ETAI initiative. Schools all over israel would see that ETAI has something to offer to English teachers. Don't doubt I would know how to make that point clear to whoever wants to listen. So... Do we create a movement or just say it can't be done? I take at face value what Bob Rosenschein, the Israeli entrepreneur who spoke at ETAI today . He said something like "Don't believe that you can make a change; instead, know that you can make a change".
Link to the facebook post
Jul 8, 2015
ETAI Summer Conference, Jerusalem. Day 1 - July 7th 2015
Jul 6, 2015
Jun 28, 2015
Jun 26, 2015
קישור למסמך הציבורי בגוגל דרייב
יוזמה - פורסם באמצעות טאבלט
יוזמה במסגרת בקשה להצטרף לקורס של גוגל
Jun 13, 2015
Jun 2, 2015
May 30, 2015
May 27, 2015
Moodle for Special Education - Wiziq Webinar
Hi! Following is the description of the session as it appears on Wiziq:
"About the class
This webinar is hosted in English.
Eduardo Lina will discuss “The Road Taken”: Moodle for High School Special Education Pupils - The Kugel High School in Holon (Israel) Experience
This session will share how I exploit Moodle to provide engaging materials in different formats (written text, audio, video, images, etc.) for my High School Special Education students,both to teach English and prepare as many of them as possible for Israel’s Matriculation exams."
I hope that I have managed to convey what I wanted to. Thanks again to Nellie Deutch.
The recording s are usually viewed by lots of people, just like I usually do since I tend to watch sessioms even a long time after they have taken place. People share a lot!
May 26, 2015
May 20, 2015
Tour Builder - Escuelas gemelas
Este es el enlace al viaje virtual
20.05.2015 - Documenting the Breaking Stereotypes Project
May 19, 2015
May 11, 2015
May 5, 2015
Apr 27, 2015
Apr 26, 2015
Apr 23, 2015
Learning Diary introduction - Tablets in School
I am taking part in a new European Schoolnet Academy Course : Creative use of Tablets in Schools.
here is my introduction to my Learning Diary, which I have been asked to create as one of the activities on the course.
Link to the Learning Diary on Padlet:
BTW, the course is very good indeed!
Apr 16, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Apr 5, 2015
Mar 22, 2015
Mar 14, 2015
Mar 11, 2015
Mar 5, 2015
Mar 3, 2015
Feb 25, 2015
Clase Virtual a estudiantes de ELE en toso israel en el marco de un ejercico del Ministerio de Educación
Segunda parte
Video Utilizado
Feb 13, 2015
Feb 12, 2015
Feb 11, 2015
Moodle at Kugel - Samples of 3 Teachers' work so far (3 units of the workshop)
ישראל אברמוביץ
פריבה מדהיזדה
אורנה מאירוביץ
Feb 7, 2015
Feb 4, 2015
Jan 29, 2015
Jan 21, 2015
Jan 13, 2015
10 דקות ממפגש וירטואלי של מדריכי פדגוגיה דיגיטלית 13.01.2015
Jan 10, 2015
Virtual Talks to Israeli Spanish As Foreign Language teachers - Conferencias virtuales en español a Docentes de ELE en Israel
בית הספר העתידי, בשפה הספרדית 26.11.14