Dec 26, 2014
Dec 17, 2014
The Flipped Classroom for Count that Day Lost
Dec 13, 2014
Dec 11, 2014
Dec 10, 2014
Dec 8, 2014
8.12.2014 - התחילה ההשתלמות בבית ספר יסודי גורדון
Dec 6, 2014
Nov 18, 2014
“Innovaciones en Formación Continuada” - DE LA TEORÍA A LA PRÁCTICA: TAREA DE LA UNIDAD 3
Nov 15, 2014
MOOC ‘Innovación en la Formación Continua’ - Unit 2
The subject of unit 2 is "Social Media" (Redes sociales: fundamentos, utilidades y uso en el aprendizaje.) Following are some contributions from participants that I particularly liked. I have also exchanged a few words with a few ppeople, and I guess I should give it a better try to keep the connection going on. Incidentally, I am sure that I have missed quite a few other contributions because the number of participants makes it impossible to catch up with all that is published.
Aporte de Luis López-Cano
I know I should mentione more comments, but these two serve as a good example of what is going on on this MOOC.
Nov 12, 2014
Masá Israelí - מסע ישראלי
I am just back after spending two nights and days with teachers and 11th grade pupils on the great Masa israeli - Israel journey experience. They will go on for a week, while i had to get back after leaving on Monday at 1:00 AM, getting to the Negev at around 5:00 A.M., walking in the "Machtesh Ramon" (Ramon Crater) from 6:30 A.M. till 4:30 PM, eating the dinner pupils got ready, sleeping on tents (no classy toilets and no showers), and then yet again starting before 5:00 AM on Tuesday. All along, pupils and teachers discussed things in groups (lots of MAAGALIM - Circles) commenting on what it means to be israeli and live in Israel .. and having a good time!
Acabo de volver después de pasar dos noches y días con docentess y estudiantes de 11er curso en la gran "Masá israelí - Expedición Israelí. Es una gran experiencia y vivencia. Ellos continuarán durante una semana, mientras que yo tenía que regresar después de salir el lunes en 1,00 de la mañana, para llegar al Negev en torno a las 5.00 A.M., caminando en el "Majtesh Ramón" (Ramón cráter) desde las 6.30 AM hasta las 4:30 P.M., cenar lo preparado por estudiantes, dormir en tiendas de campaña (no había lujosos baños ni duchas), y luego una vez más partir antes de las 5 A.M. del martes. Todo el tiempo,y en cada parada. alumnos / as y los profesores /as discutían cosas en grupos (en muchos MAAGALIM - círculos) relacionados con el significado de ser israelí y vivr en Israel
Nov 8, 2014
Innovación en la Formación Continua y herramientas 2.0
Oct 30, 2014
Wiziq Session - MM5
These sessions are recorded. Thanks to that, I often find myself watching sessions I could not attend live. I would not be able to say "how much: I learn from presenters, but it is quite a lot. That is the reason why I said observing (and listening to) others may lead tos uccessful a"dopting and adapting" in workshops I develop and facilitate.
MM5 is an example of fruitful collaboration. Kudos to Dr. Nellie Deutch and Thomas Hodgers for opening up doors (and windows of opportunity)to share for teachers from all around the Globe: Venezuela, Canada, USA, Great Britain, Yemen, Russia, Israel, and I probably missed a few other countries. That was a multiculurak "classroom", indeed!
Oct 29, 2014
Games in Schools
I have just read EUN's ‘Digital Games in Schools" and learned things about games I had not given much thought about before. The prospect of using games sounds promising. Equally important, I feel I need more time to look into the games participants mention both on the FB group and on the course page. I hope to get to checks ome (at least that).
Incidentally, having so many primary school teachers who mention different games also helps since I have to be updated on possible uses on that area ,, (I might find what to integrate on a workshop I will give on using tools in the classroom). As a high school teacher, I will also profit from what felow HS teachers introduce (at least to the extent I can follow).
Alternative assessment -a Beer Sheba morning workshop
I was at a Ministry of Education workshop on Alternative Assessment in Beer Sheba yesterday.
Sherman Rosenfeld did certainly a great job presenting the subject (he got people to do things rather than talk about the subject. This is surely in kine with the things he is interested in and teaches teachers to do).
While the subject of the workshop is important enough, I learned something else as well: Sherman spoke briefly, and showed me Ron Berger's "Leaders of their own Learning" Book. I read a few things and hope I may get a chance to read more some time later.
A few Holon High Schools (and Kugel High School taking a leading role) have taken up PBL as done by High Tech High. This seems to be another approach which merits checking.
I am glad I was sent to attend the workshop (it was well worth leaving at 5.30 to get hte train to be in beer Sheba on time).
Oct 26, 2014
Wiziq session - Power Point Presentation
Pisga Holon Workshops in English
The following are important points:

2. Teachers will choose digital tools according to the added value they give to the teaching and learning process.
3. Teachers will have an online Digital - based Environment to support their work in class.
4. Teachers will both use and present their use of Digital tools with their pupils.
I have submitted the timetable and created the first of the two courses (having met Yehudit lerner, from Pisga, and gotten excellent advice, I have managed to upload relevant and organized content into the M
oodle platform)
I am looking forward to Pisga people publishing a detailed schedule on the Pisga Holon any time soon.
Digital pedagogy - The Israel Ministry of Education and Matach
The idea is to advance Digital Pedagogy. I like that.
People involved in this deal with it as part of their job. Unlike me, teachers who take part in this effort are paid for their ob as either part -time trainers / tutors of fellow teachers, or developers of training programs. As a matter o fact, I work with the Spanish as Foreign Language National Inspector without the title of "Madrich" - Tutor / Trainer, and without being on the Ministry's paid list. I do work as developer and facilitator of workshops in Spanish and Hebrew.
The mmeting was fine, and the workshop I will be taking part as a participant seems promising.
I like the idea that we will have a framework to share and promote things together, regardless of each specific field (I will be able to see what other people who are not language teachers do, and learn from thei ideas, projects, etc.). This sounds good.
There are a couple of facebook groups that will let us share and collaborate. Even better, there is a workshop platform that seems quite promising. It'a a Moodle platform.
Oct 13, 2014
Introducing how to use PowToon to introduce Moodle
In this post, I provide a sample of what I am going to be doing in my workshops: here is how I use a tool (Screencastomatic) to introduce what we are learning (Moodle) by means of another tool (PowToon) using Voice Over to record myself.
Confused? My workshops will make it easy for you to understand.
Oct 11, 2014
Workshop Introduction - advertising the service
Oct 10, 2014
Text read aloud in Moodle
Introducing Part II of the Text read aloud series
Oct 1, 2014
Sep 19, 2014
Nuevo Taller de Capacitación Docente en el marco de ELE Israel del Ministerio de Educación de Israel
Sep 12, 2014
Spain - Israel Project Proposal
"Hi! A couple of years ago, my 10th grade 15 - 16 year-old Israeli pupils and I shared a good experience with pupils and teachers from Madrid. One of the courses I teach this year is a similar 10th grade course. I would like to have another collaborative experience with teachers and 15 - 16 year-old pupils from anywhere in Spain (needless to say, I love Spain). Would anybody be willing to give this a chance? I guess I can find one more teacher and similar age group in my school if there are Spanish colleagues available and willing to share this project."
Aug 31, 2014
A different way of introducing oneself on a Moodle forum
Así van a presentarse por medio de un foro en Moodle mis estudiantes. Segúndicen, salí muy bien en la foto... This is how my students will introduce themselves in a Moodle forum in every course at Kugel. People tell me I am quite handsome as I appear on the image
A new school year - Nuevo ciclo lectivo
Aug 19, 2014
Eduardo - Shlomi (20.08.2014): Moodle for English Educational Counselors
Once you start using Moodle as a teacher, you can never go back to teaching without using Moodle. What we as teachers need is training in how to use Moodle. Nobody was born knowing how to do that, so we must get somebody to teach us so that we can teach others later on. Accordingly, we must take action concerning Moodle.
Click here for the Google Presentation
From my presentation to English Educational Councelors
"Following Ruth Solomon's excellente presentation of Moodle, I have decided to show how Moodle can change the way you work both as English Educational Counselors and Teacher trainers and as English teachers working with pupils at school.
Part one of my presentation: Examples of Moodle platforms I have used and Moodle courses and teacher professional development courses I have facilitated / will facilitate.
Part two of my presentation: Examples of Moodle courses at Kugel High School.
Part three: Moodle at ETAI..."
Jul 24, 2014
La colina de la vida
Jul 18, 2014
This is not about Moodle ...
Jul 13, 2014
Jul 8, 2014
ETAI Summer 2014 Conference session: Two for the price of One
See it here
This is the original Presentation
Watch a short version of the talk I had in mind
And ths is ETAI 2

See it here (link)
This is my video report on what I actually tried to convey:
See also
Jul 6, 2014
Jul 3, 2014
A Summer's Reading
Jul 2, 2014
How to learn Moodle
This image belongs in the presentation I will be shwing and sharing that day.
Here in Israel, you can learn from books (Packt Publishing printed and eBooks are my favorites) and from courses (get Pisga and or your school to create courses where you can learn Moodle). You can also take part in a Wiziq / Moodle for Teachers Mooc, of course.
Jun 30, 2014
Packt Publishing's new campaign - It's worth sharing this information
I am a customer and occasional reviewer of Packt Publishing books on Moodle (they cover many more topics). As a result, I got a piece of news that might interest people who read this blog. Following is the message that I received: "Packt is offering all of its eBooks and Videos at just $10 each. This campaign is specifically aimed towards thanking all our customers and opening up our comprehensive range of titles just for $10 each. This promotion covers every title and customers can stock up on as many copies as they like until July 5th. I hope you find this as a great opportunity to explore what’s new and maintain your personal and professional development."
I think it is worth sharing, as i find their books valuable indeed.
Check here for more information (the Press Release in which details are given)
My reflection on MM4: Building Community in Online and Blending Learning Environments
I have used Read and Write for Google Help Text
Jun 24, 2014
My review of “Designing Moodle Themes [Video] by Susan Smith Nash, a Packt video.
Eduardo Lina
Jun 23, 2014
Jun 22, 2014
Video Tutorials (or other) creation - one more option
One such skill is video (tutorials and other) creation using New Technologies. I like Screencast-o-matic and Screenr very much, but these are not the only options. There are some others, such as using Jing , Slidespeech, etc. It is hight time I tried the latter when creating videos. I will soon.
Jun 21, 2014
My Reflexion on "MM4: Making Videos for the Bended and Flipped Classroom"
Another plus is that ystudents don't have to sit in a classroom and watch the whiteboard. Teachers may build a set to use in the video they create, too. It is also possible to use parts of other people's video too (Check free stock videos)